14 Feb 2025
Mission, Vision and Objectives
Organisational chart
Basic information
Company’s acts and documents
Annual reports
PR Material
Current projects
Kawempe – Luwero road, Uganda
Highway tunnel Šarani, Serbia
Hydropower plant Chancay and Rucuy, Phase I, Peru
Various streets in Kampala, Uganda
Construction of Highway E 763, Section Lajkovac-Ljig, Serbia
Construction of the railway track, section Belgrade – Pancevo, Serbia
Construction of the bridge across the DTD Canal, Novi Sad, Serbia
Reconstruction of the railway, Corridor X, Serbia
Boring through the right tube of the Tunnel Šarani, Serbia
Plants and equipment
Dams and Hydroelectric Power Plants
"Poechos", Peru
"Sigalda", Iceland
"Kiambere", Kenya
"Yuracmayo", Peru
"Tis Abay II", Ethiopia
"Sullana", Peru
"Rovni", Serbia
"Chavimochic", Peru
Irrigation Systems
"El Mullak" Irrigation System, Egypt
"Chira Piura" Special Project, Peru
"Garaboulli" Irrigation System, Libya
Irrigation system "Badra - Jassan", Iraq
"Kano" Irrigation System, Nigeria
The Construction of the Zarumilla River Dikes, Peru
"Ramal Nuevo – El Arenal" Canal, Peru
Improvement of the embankment of the Tisa River
Water Supply, Sewerage & Industrial Water Engineering
"Shuiba" Pump Station, Kuwait
"Ramtha" Water Supply System, Jordan
"La Atarjea" Reservoirs, Peru
Pump Station in Novi Sad, Serbia
Mokroluski Main Drain, Serbia
Underground structures
"Kafue Gorge" Hydroelectric Power Plant, Zambia
"Vracar" Railway Tunnel, Serbia
"Zavoj" HPP Tunnel, Serbia
"Vukov Spomenik" Underground Railway Station, Serbia
Tuneli - kolektori Sildanez, Holmberg i Villa Marteli, Argentina
Underground Garage in Belgrade, Serbia
Metro Stations in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tunnel Strazevica, Serbia
Roads and bridges
"Ayer Keroh - Pagoh" highway, Malaysia
"Mitjana - Mubende", Uganda
"Ilo - Desagvadero", Peru
"La Merced - Satipo", Peru
"Quillacollo - Llavini", Bolivia
"Almaty - Astana" road, section "Almaty - Gulshad", Kazakhstan
"Belgrade - Batrovci" highway reconstruction, Serbia
"Kyegegwa - Kyenjojo", Uganda
"Chalhuanca - Abankay", Peru
"Ntungamo – Kagamba", Uganda
Jurija Gagarina Street and railway overbridge, Serbia
"Chamaya - Jaen - San Ignacio", Peru
"Cukarica - Ostruznica", Srbija
"Kawempe - Luwero", Uganda
"Trujillo - Shiran - Huamachuco", Peru
"Luwero - Kafu", Uganda
"Kampala - Gayaza - Zirobwe", Uganda
Reconstruction of "Mirjevski Boulevard", Belgrade, Serbia
"Yanacocha - Bambamarca", Peru
Design engineering and construction of the Highway E75, section Novi Sad – Belgrade, Lot 1.1, Serbia
"Cochabamba-Chota", Peru
"Pericos - San Ignacio", Peru
Statement on IMS
News of Managing Bodies
News archives - 2013
News archives - 2012
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Construction of the second railway track, Railway section Belgrade – Pancevo, Serbia
Current projects
Kawempe – Luwero road, Uganda
Highway tunnel Šarani, Serbia
Hydropower plant Chancay and Rucuy, Phase I, Peru
Various streets in Kampala, Uganda
Construction of Highway E 763, Section Lajkovac-Ljig, Serbia
Construction of the railway track, section Belgrade – Pancevo, Serbia
Construction of the bridge across the DTD Canal, Novi Sad, Serbia
Reconstruction of the railway, Corridor X, Serbia
Boring through the right tube of the Tunnel Šarani, Serbia
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